My exciting experience relating to how to get free gas!
Having spent an exhaustive amount of time for the past 3 years reviewing tangible products my family, friends and I use on a regular basis, the shape of the economy, and the fact that I had to let go some of my very loyal staff members, and closed shop whilst looking for alternative opportunities, had me lose a bit of interest in reviewing products.
After all, what was the use of reviewing products such as gold necklaces and chocolate scented children's potties, if those dear to me where more interested in putting bread on the table and wondering if they'd still be in the same house before the month went out, than salivating at pictures of glossy magazines with the latest gizmos coming from Seattle or China?
With this surly frame of mind, I decided to lay low whilst still searching for products and items to review that would be me more meaningful to someone, say on a limited budget or, heavens forbid, on unemployment whilst searching for the next big break!
I must confess, I was pleasantly surprised with what I came across. Not all is so gloomy my Dear Watson, especially with the unemployment rate, the men prospect of 2012 drawing closer each day?!
My first thought was to review coupons, but let's face it, these are a dime a dozen, and I honestly don't think there's much interest in writing about how a well to do fella fell on hard times and now sits at the corner of his round kitchen table cutting away at coupon savings to his local outlet mall whilst mumbling murder to himself and shouting at each FedEx truck that passes by without stopping to deliver a job offer is there?
What I found instead, and piqued my interest, (imagine me chanting away in a suave British accent, akin to the dude who does wildlife video narrations on NatGeo!) were offers on how to get free gas!
Now, in case you think this is a typo, perish the though, you read correctly, and I'm about to show you how to get free gas with hardly any string attached, for bungee jumping or otherwise!
It turns out, in the name of marketing research, some companies are willing to give away a free gas card to anyone interested!
Now, I realize this sounds too far fetched, and it took me a couple of months to swallow my pride and find out how to get free gas with this offer, and the results I must add, got me to drive a couple of hundred miles to my next job interview and, as they say in the movies, the rest is history!
I digress.
If you're still interested in learning how to get free gas however, read on to find out how you too, could be the recipient of this stupendous marketing giveaway.
The only catch to getting your free gas card, as it turns out, is you have to provide your zip code! Now, whether this means these marketing companies will block your zip from further expansion because many from your zip may have opted for this offer, I simply cannot tell!
All I know is, I came across a number of companies online that sent me a couple of $250 free gas cards to use as I pleased (via FedEx by the way! )
With the way the economy is, I realize most of us rely on our cars to be able to drive us quite a distance for that next job interview but, without a steady income, it can be a challenge to come up with the means to get to that interview.
Mind you, discovering how to get free gas is not only for the unemployed, anyone interested in getting a free card card can opt for the offer and, as you already know, there are no strings or hoops to jump through.
Having spent an exhaustive amount of time for the past 3 years reviewing tangible products my family, friends and I use on a regular basis, the shape of the economy, and the fact that I had to let go some of my very loyal staff members, and closed shop whilst looking for alternative opportunities, had me lose a bit of interest in reviewing products.
After all, what was the use of reviewing products such as gold necklaces and chocolate scented children's potties, if those dear to me where more interested in putting bread on the table and wondering if they'd still be in the same house before the month went out, than salivating at pictures of glossy magazines with the latest gizmos coming from Seattle or China?
With this surly frame of mind, I decided to lay low whilst still searching for products and items to review that would be me more meaningful to someone, say on a limited budget or, heavens forbid, on unemployment whilst searching for the next big break!
I must confess, I was pleasantly surprised with what I came across. Not all is so gloomy my Dear Watson, especially with the unemployment rate, the men prospect of 2012 drawing closer each day?!
My first thought was to review coupons, but let's face it, these are a dime a dozen, and I honestly don't think there's much interest in writing about how a well to do fella fell on hard times and now sits at the corner of his round kitchen table cutting away at coupon savings to his local outlet mall whilst mumbling murder to himself and shouting at each FedEx truck that passes by without stopping to deliver a job offer is there?
What I found instead, and piqued my interest, (imagine me chanting away in a suave British accent, akin to the dude who does wildlife video narrations on NatGeo!) were offers on how to get free gas!
Now, in case you think this is a typo, perish the though, you read correctly, and I'm about to show you how to get free gas with hardly any string attached, for bungee jumping or otherwise!
It turns out, in the name of marketing research, some companies are willing to give away a free gas card to anyone interested!
Now, I realize this sounds too far fetched, and it took me a couple of months to swallow my pride and find out how to get free gas with this offer, and the results I must add, got me to drive a couple of hundred miles to my next job interview and, as they say in the movies, the rest is history!
I digress.
If you're still interested in learning how to get free gas however, read on to find out how you too, could be the recipient of this stupendous marketing giveaway.
The only catch to getting your free gas card, as it turns out, is you have to provide your zip code! Now, whether this means these marketing companies will block your zip from further expansion because many from your zip may have opted for this offer, I simply cannot tell!
All I know is, I came across a number of companies online that sent me a couple of $250 free gas cards to use as I pleased (via FedEx by the way! )
With the way the economy is, I realize most of us rely on our cars to be able to drive us quite a distance for that next job interview but, without a steady income, it can be a challenge to come up with the means to get to that interview.
Mind you, discovering how to get free gas is not only for the unemployed, anyone interested in getting a free card card can opt for the offer and, as you already know, there are no strings or hoops to jump through.
The offer on how to get free gas is limited to one person per application, obviously your IP is registered when you input your zip, but that shouldn't stop other family members from attempting their luck at getting a free gas card too!
If you too are interested in getting a free gas card for, whatever reason, head over to our How to get free gas website for further details. Good luck
If you too are interested in getting a free gas card for, whatever reason, head over to our How to get free gas website for further details. Good luck
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